Thanks for all that great info. What a big help it was. I was able to put together a first rate employee safety manual thanks to you. I combined the employee safety manual and the food service chapter together. My inspection was today and the inspector was very impressed with our manual!
With all the info you sent, I was really able to prepare for the inspection. I will recommend you highly!
Thank you again and again....
Tim Maui
My company recently purchased a Safety & Health program from you via the Internet. Your materials satisfied all our requirements and were instrumental in our qualifying for a large contract that we have now signed. Thank you for delivering what you promised and for doing so promptly.
Ronald D.
Just received the manual. It's really good! I'm glad that I did not spin my wheels trying to write and develop it--I have now saved so much time.
Jan Robinson
Hello Frank,
I received the "Safety and Health Program" manual we purchased from you. Yes! It was worth the price. I have already recommended it to several people with their own companies. It provided me with much of the needed information required from the large companies we do business with and an excellent base for adding any required information to our safety manual.
Thanks very much.
The manual is perfect for us! We just completed an OSHA inspection and your manual would have helped us out if we had it beforehand. As it is, it will become the foundation of our OSHA compliance plan. The manual is concise and easy to understand. More importantly, it is a plan that can be followed because of its simplicity. Too often plans are presented that look great on paper but require so much effort to implement, they quickly get discarded. That's a costly no-no where OSHA is concerned.
Thanks again for everything.
We are very satisfied with the manual and think it is well worth the price.
Just as important is the quick service you've given us.
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or call 1-800-205-1050
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