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Disciplinary Program

Role of Disciplinary Systems in the Workplace:

The disciplinary system does not exist primarily to punish employees. Its purpose should be to control the work environment so that workers are protected and accidents are prevented. A disciplinary system helps ensure workplace safety and health by letting the Company's employees know what is expected of them. It provides workers with opportunities to correct their behavior before an accident happens.

A disciplinary system is one of the keys to successfully implementing the Company's safety and health program. It ensures that the Company's rules and safe working practices are taken seriously by employees and are actually followed. It lets employees know how the Company expects them to operate in relation to the goals of the Company's safety and health program. And it lays out the actions the Company will take if individuals do not meet the Company's expectations. The employee's supervisor and all members of management are responsible for the enforcement of this disciplinary program.

A disciplinary system cannot work in a vacuum. Before the Company can hold employees accountable for their actions, the Company first needs to establish its safety and health policy and disciplinary rules. The worksheet on Appendix A will be useful for businesses planning to establish a disciplinary system for the first time.

Policy Statement:

Employees need to know the Company's position on safety and health and what the Company expects of them. They need a clear understanding of the rules and the consequences of breaking those rules. This is true in all areas of work, but it is especially important for worker safety and health. As part of the policy statement, and in the employee safety handbook, the Company has a written statement setting forth the Company's disciplinary policy. Company managers and supervisors will always be on the lookout for safety violations and will conscientiously and vigorously enforce the Company's commitment to safety.

Employee Information and Training:

It is important that employees understand the system and have a reference to turn to if they have any questions. Therefore, in addition to issuing a written statement of the Company's disciplinary policy, the Company has drawn up a list of what it considers major violations of Company policy and less serious violations. This list specifies the disciplinary actions that will be taken for first, second, or repeated offenses. The Company will use the 5 Step Disciplinary System listed in Appendix B to correct minor, "General Offences" (that are listed on the next page).

The list for immediate termination and grounds for immediate discharge are:

1) Drinking alcohol, and/or drug abuse prior to or during working hours

2) Fighting, provoking or engaging in an act of violence against another person on Company property

3) Theft

4) Willful damage to property

5) Failure to wear Personal Protective Equipment (eye protection, hearing protection, safety helmets, etc.).

6) Not using safety harnesses and lanyards when there is a potential for falling

7) Removing and/or making inoperative safety guards on tools and equipment

8) Tampering with machine safeguards or removing machine tags or locks

9) Removing barriers and/or guardrails and not replacing them

10) Failure to follow recognized industry practices

11) Failure to follow rules regarding the use of company equipment or materials

12) Major traffic violations while using a company vehicle

13) Engaging in dangerous horseplay

14) Failure to notify the Company of a hazardous situation, and

15) Other major violations of company rules or policies

General Offences requiring a warning and can lead to termination:

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